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Importing Collections into KeyRunner

To import collections from other API clients into KeyRunner, follow these steps:

  1. Export Collection from the Source API Client:

    • Access the source API client and look for an option to export collections or requests. Usually, this involves exporting as a JSON file.
  2. Save the Exported JSON File:

    • Save the exported file containing the collection from the source API client to your local system.
  3. Importing into KeyRunner:

    • Open KeyRunner and navigate to the "Collections" section.
    • Look for an "Import" or "Upload" button.
    • Select the exported JSON file from your system to import it into KeyRunner.
  4. Review Imported Collection:

    • Once imported, verify that the collection and its requests have been successfully added to KeyRunner.

Exporting Collections from KeyRunner

To export collections from KeyRunner to be used in other API clients, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Collection to Export:

    • Within KeyRunner, go to the "Collections" section.
    • Choose the specific collection you wish to export.
  2. Export as JSON:

    • Look for an "Export" or "Download" option within the collection settings or options.
    • Select the export format, usually JSON, and proceed with the export.
  3. Save the Exported JSON File:

    • Save the downloaded JSON file containing the collection from KeyRunner to your local system.
  4. Importing into Another API Client:

    • Access the target API client where you want to import the collection.
    • Look for an option to import or upload collections, then select the exported JSON file from KeyRunner.
  5. Review Imported Collection:

    • Verify that the collection and its associated requests have been successfully imported into the target API client.

JSON File Structure

JSON files that store collections generally follow a similar pattern, containing information about the requests, methods, headers, bodies, and any associated variables or configurations. This standard structure enables seamless import/export functionalities between different API clients, ensuring compatibility and ease of transfer.

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