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Enterprise Documentation

Getting Started

1. What is a Project?

In our Enterprise version, a Project refers to a private API network or a collection of multiple organizations or projects. Each project is managed independently and can have its own set of users, roles, and workspaces.

2. What is a Workspace?

A Workspace is a collaborative environment within a project where users can create, organize, and manage collections of API requests. Workspaces allow teams to work efficiently on specific sets of APIs or projects.

3. What is a Tenant?

A Tenant represents an organizational unit or entity within our system. It acts as a container for projects and manages access and permissions for users across multiple projects.

Roles and Permissions

Workspace Owner

  • Can create, modify, and delete collections in the workspace.
  • Can add users to the workspace.
  • Can assign roles to the users within the workspace.

Workspace Editor

  • Can create, modify, and delete collections in the workspace.

Workspace Viewer

  • Can only view collections within the workspace.


Tenant Admin

  • Can create projects (/projects) within the tenant.
  • Can add users to the projects.
  • Can remove users from the projects.
  • Can create workspaces within the projects.
  • Can add users to the workspaces.
  • Can remove users from the workspaces.


Project Admin

  • Can add users to the project.
  • Can remove users from the project.

Project Editor

  • Can create, modify, and delete project-level workspaces.
  • Can create, modify, and delete collections in project-level workspaces.

Project Viewer

  • Can only view project-level workspaces and collections.
  • Can run the collections/requests within those workspaces.

Workspace Creation Rules

  • PROJECT level workspace: Can only be created by Project Admin or Editor. Token must belong to the current tenant.
  • PRIVATE level workspace: Can be created by anyone with a valid token. Token must belong to the current tenant.

Private Workspace

Workspace Owner

  • Can create, modify, and delete collections in the workspace.
  • Can add users to the workspace.
  • Can assign roles to the users within the workspace.

Workspace Editor

  • Can create, modify, and delete collections in the workspace.

Workspace Viewer

  • Can only view collections within the workspace.

This documentation provides an overview of the concepts and roles within our Enterprise version. For more detailed information on specific functionalities or API usage, please refer to our comprehensive API documentation or contact our support team.

Released under the MIT License.